Dieting is quite difficult, boring and stressful. Many people cannot stand the usual menu and spoil themselves, denying the entire result obtained.
That is why nutritionists began to improve and come up with programs that would be interesting for people, motivating and completely different from their servants.
One of these interesting programs was the "Six Petals" or "Petal Diet" diet, authored by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. A one-week course, according to the doctor, will be a successful solution to the problem of excess weight for any person, because you can lose up to 3-4 kg without much effort!
Features of the 6-petal diet, the author's recommendations and the advantages of the technique
First of all, the effectiveness of this diet depends on the psychological attitude for a good result and strong motivation.
The diet itself is a cycle of 6 monoprograms (petals) that alternate daily, but nevertheless represent a carefully thought-out nutritional plan. Each such "petal" is actually a day of fasting, during which only one type of food is eaten, excluding others. Thanks to this restriction, you take in fewer calories, and each of the selected products additionally cleanses, nourishes or strengthens the body. In addition, the diet is designed to alternate protein and carbohydrate days, which is suitable for those who play sports or work in stressful conditions. Also, this rule of separate feeding allows you not to mix foods of different composition in one meal, which will allow youto absorb the ingredients more efficiently and quickly without causing unnecessary deposits on the sides.
Since the products on the menu change every day, the diet is considered quite interesting, not boring and not rigid.
Let's go back to the psychological mindset and motivation to diet. To bring your plan to life and really inspire your body to lose weight, Anna advises everyone to draw a brightly colored flower with large petals (6 pieces) before starting a diet. Each of the petals of your chamomile should be numbered or painted a special color, with the name of the particular day of the diet and a set of allowed ingredients written on top. We place the resulting flower somewhere in a prominent place and at the end of each day of the diet we tear off the corresponding petal (only if all the requirements are met). Psychologically, it will be easier for the body to survive a week of diet if the number of "painful days" visually decreases and decreases.
The author's strict recommendations for the "6 Petals" diet:
- a clear set of products is allocated to you for the day, which cannot be corrected, replaced with similar ingredients or supplemented;
- do not consume more than the permitted amount of food, but also do not overeat, which will also lead to negative consequences;
- days of the week cannot be swapped or omitted; in case of failure, the course must be repeated again;
- The last time you should eat is 4 hours before going to bed (no matter if it is during the day or at night);
- a mandatory condition is compliance with the water regimen, you must drink 6 glasses of healthy liquid or more per day;
- during the diet, we exclude sugar, hot spices and spices from the diet, limit the consumption of salt;
- all foods can be steamed, boiled, stewed, baked, dried, eaten raw, but in no case should fatty sauces, marinades, salty spices, animal lipids (butter, lard, margarine, mayonnaise and others) be added;
- you need to exit the diet smoothly and carefully so that the excess weight does not return;
- Repetition of the course is allowed no earlier than six months.
The main advantages of the "petal" technique:
- the diet is very effective - you can lose 0. 5-0. 8 kg of excess weight per day without much effort;
- No need to weigh food or research the calorie and carbohydrate content of foods;
- The diet is universal, suitable for both men and women;
- contains exclusively natural and healthy products that will have a beneficial effect on digestion and immunity;
- the diet allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, poisons, protein breakdown products, waste products, salts and suspended substances, radicals;
- the diet also allows you to remove excess fluid, eliminating swelling of the limbs, tissues and face;
- all products are familiar to European cuisine, distributed in markets and shops at a reasonable price in the off-season;
- the diet also does not require culinary temptations, saves a lot of time and effort and allows you to cook for the whole family;
- diet disciplines and cultivates healthy habits;
- the diet is combined with moderate physical activity and sport;
- the menu is very diverse, satisfying and interesting, which allows you to get enough of completely different products, including vitamins, for 6 days;
- after the course, your metabolism accelerates significantly, and you will continue to lose weight by momentum if you exit the diet correctly;
- The diet is fast and allows you to achieve excellent results in just 6 days, which is suitable for those who want to lose weight before an event or vacation.
A set of products for the "6 Petals" diet, a written nutrition plan
So, let's find out what mono-days the diet offers us. It will depend on them which products should be purchased to make a menu and which should be strictly excluded.
The first day will be fishy. Accordingly, you can eat any fish and seafood throughout the day. Preference should be given to low-fat sea fish (flounder, salmon, cod, mackerel, tuna, hake, hoki, pollock, flounder, etc. ), some river fish (carp, pike, pike) and seafood (squid, mussels). , crab meat, rapana, octopus, oysters).
On the second day you should eat vegetables. Here we have complete freedom because there are many vegetables. Also on this day you can eat soy and bean products, mushrooms and garden herbs. The consumption of potatoes and corn and other starchy vegetables should be limited. Forget canned and pickled vegetables and sauerkraut. It is recommended to consume fresh salads and light soups, as well as steamed and stewed side dishes.
Our third day is chicken day. In addition to any skinless chicken meat (preferably fillet and breast), it is allowed to eat lean parts of turkey, as well as chicken eggs and liver. It is forbidden to cook meat on fire, fry it or add the usual amount of salt to it.
The fourth day will be marked by a transition to cereals. From complex carbohydrates, stock up on a variety of grains, seeds and seeds, whole grain bread and crackers, sprouted grains and bran.
The fifth day recommends eating cottage cheese. Which is better to take? Of course, pay attention to the store options. Sometimes they are healthier and more natural than homemade, and you can also choose completely low-fat cottage cheese, which will contribute to more active weight loss. Also, the menu for this day allows you to consume a little skim milk.
The sixth and last mono-day of the diet includes eating fruits and berries. Eat whatever your heart desires, but sweet fruits (bananas, figs, dried fruits, persimmons, grapes, melons, mangoes, etc. ) should be limited for better results. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices, nectars, compotes, jellies, berry smoothies and fruit drinks are also allowed on this day.
On all other days, you can drink ginger drink, rosehip decoction, green and herbal tea, natural coffee beans without sugar and milk and plain mineral water without gas.
All other foods during the diet are strictly prohibited. Strictly follow the recommendations for the quality of food composition and volumes.
Let's move on to a properly designed diet plan and meal recommendations. Each day in the diet is responsible for replenishing the amount of carbohydrates or proteins in the body. Therefore, it is better to train and perform loads on carbohydrate days, and on protein days, muscles will recover and grow, which will help you get a beautiful, sculpted figure.
When preparing foods, you can use herbs, garden herbs, lemon juice, table wine, tomato paste, vinegar, soy sauce, olive oil and a limited amount of salt. It is better to distribute the entire allowed amount of food in 4-5 small snacks evenly throughout the day.
Day 1."Fish" (protein). It is not by chance that this day became the first in the cycle, since fish is perfectly digestible, has a moderate calorie content, saturates the body with essential valuable fats and prepares the body well for the following mono-days. Due to a nutritious diet, "vigilance"of the body is dulled and the metabolism begins to actively consume calories, turning off the storage mode.
So, half a kilogram of boiled fish of various varieties and seafood is distributed per day. You can also drink fish broth, which is not included in the indicated volume.
Day 2."Vegetable" (carbohydrate). The lowest-calorie monoday, which nourishes the body with energy from vegetable carbohydrates and dietary fiber. On this day, the metabolism works at its limit and actively consumes the existing fat deposits.
The menu consists of 1-1. 5 kg of various vegetables and garden herbs, as well as legumes, soy products and mushrooms.
Day 3."Chicken" (protein). On this day, the body begins to experience a shortage of carbohydrates due to a pure protein menu, so the metabolism still burns fat cells to replenish energy.
Half a kilo of skinless poultry and 2 eggs as a snack are allowed per day.
Day 4."Grains" (carbohydrates). Slow carbohydrates in food will replenish glycogen, where all the released energy will be used. And new needs will continue to be met through the fat layer.
The cereal day menu includes 200 g of dry cereals (different, but better oats, buckwheat and brown rice). Also included is a small handful of sunflower seeds and seeds, a few tablespoons of bran, a packet of whole grain bread or 2-3 slices of whole grain toast.
Day 5."Curd" (protein). On this day, the body will receive the most useful protein for building the skeleton and muscles, and the stock of macro- and microelements will also be replenished.
The menu includes half a kilogram of cottage cheese (fat content up to 5%) and 2 glasses of low-fat cow's milk.
Day 6."Fruit" (carbohydrate). Fruits will provide a comprehensive strengthening of the body, will enrich it with antioxidants, valuable acids and minerals.
The menu consists of 1-1. 5 kg of various fruits and berries, but we limit sweets.
Day 7."Unloading" The diet is called "6 petals", but it lasts exactly a week, which implies the presence of a seventh day. So, on this day we carry out a complete cleansing of the body and consolidate the results of weight loss. The menu includes only drinks: milk and fermentedmilk, fresh and fruit drinks, smoothies, nectars, teas, coffee, herbal decoctions, mineral water, meat and vegetarian broths with herbs.
After completing the diet, you can repeat the course again if you feel normal and have permission from your doctor.
How to get off the 6 leaf diet
A course consisting of monodiets requires proper and careful departure from such a restrictive and specific menu. During the first week of release, the author recommends eating only the foods specified in the diet, combining them in small portions, for example:
- Breakfast can consist of any fruit porridge, fresh fruit.
- Snack - cottage cheese with berries, low-fat milk.
- For lunch, you can make any soup, eat an extra portion of roast breast with stewed vegetables.
- Dinner can consist of steamed fish with lemon and herbs, vegetable salad and fresh vegetable juice (carrot, beetroot, cabbage, tomato).
Gradually, the calorie content of such a diet should be increased to 1400 kcal or to 1800 kcal for people who work hard or play sports.
Also, when we come off the diet, we follow the drinking regime and consume at least 5-6 glasses of healthy liquid per day.
And, of course, immediately after leaving the diet, you should start actively exercising in order to maintain your metabolism and lose additional weight.
Disadvantages of the "6 petals" technique, possible contraindications
The diet consists of monodiets, so there simply cannot be any flaws. First of all, this is a sharp imbalance, a boring and rigid diet. The diet forces you to take nutritional supplements, minerals and vitamins, but the promised strengthening of the immune system is out of the question.
In addition, such rapid and dramatic weight loss can lead to the following consequences:
- Diseases associated with fasting: nausea, weakness, headache and dizziness, loss of strength, colic and stomach cramps, flatulence, indigestion, apathy, sleep disorders.
- Changes in appearance: the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, sagging and loose areas of the skin, as well as the depletion of the muscle corset.
Another important disadvantage is psychological discomfort, because it is very difficult to eat the same product all day for the whole week, regardless of whether you paint flowers or not. Dieting is really boring, so crashes are likely.
And, of course, it is very difficult to maintain an entire diet without meat, without juices (allowed only for one day), fermented milk products, sweets and fried foods.
There are also contraindications to the diet, including the following:
- the presence of an allergy to a food group included in the diet;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- children, elderly, adolescence, menopause;
- active diseases, inflammatory and viral processes;
- recent psychological breakdown, surgery, injury, serious illness;
- mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system;
- diseases of the body's internal systems: cardiovascular, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, genitourinary, as well as liver and kidneys;
- stressful working conditions, professional sports.